
Hi Manager,
Please help me to cancel my hosting and refund,because it’s very slow in my area.
My domain is xxx.com
I’m sorry to bother you.Thanks very much.and I will continue to focus on anhosting.

后来在官方的alivechat 和咨询客服后知道,

1.进入:https://secure.mpcustomer.com/order/cancel/index.php填写Client ID: Password: 提交。

2. 成功登录后会提示你:We have confirmed your account information. Please confirm that the following information is correct: 会显示你的  Full Name: E-mail Address: Phone Number: 确认无误后进入下一步

3. 返佣主机网因为买的有域名,自然就选择了第一项

4. 进入第四步后,官方提供的退款原因很多,仁者见仁智者见智,自己选呗

5. 确认无误后,申请退款

6. 提交后提示:Cancellation Process: Confirmation

Thank You! An e-mail has been dispatched to our cancellation team. We’ll send you confirmation of this cancellation once it has been completed.

It may take up to 72 hours to process your cancellation request.

Your Cancellation Confirmation Number: xxxxx

作者 admin


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